October 22, 2009

Chapter Seven!

In the graveyard book in chapter seven so much happens. The biggest part for me was how the man that Scarlett had became friends with was actually the guy that killed Bod's family. In the book the man Jack tricks Bod into going into his old baby room and pulls what is supposed to be a letter turns out to be a knife. Bod runs to the graveyard with Scarlett and he hides her and he sets up traps for all the men to fall into to get rid of them, and be safe. I found it interesting that everyone except the one who killed his family seemed pretty easy to get rid of. In the end the Sleer takes Jack with him and Bod and Scarlett are safe. Silas shows up and erases Scarlett's memory. Today i couldn't imagine how it would be like if some guy came along that only wanted the best for me, but that consisted of one of my best friends forgetting all about me. Do you think Silas did the right thing there by erasing Scarlett's memory?


  1. Good question. In a way I think it's good because she won't be caused any trauma from being so scared by that situation of almost being killed. But also I think it's bad because she doesn't even remember her best friend, Bod. I imagine it will be very hard for Bod to accept that she no longer remembers him.

  2. I think in a way it was best for her because she had seen some pretty crazy things that she might not have changed from. I wish he hadn't though because I would've liked to see them make up and her help him when he leaves the graveyard.

  3. I think for the long run yes, but I would have liked to see how things worked out if he didn't, it would have put an interesting twist n the story.

  4. Yeah, I think it's for the best. If I were her I wouldn't want those memories. Anyone would be so confused about the world and question everything around them. I think we all need some stability in our lives.
