October 18, 2009

Nanny 911..

In the Graveyard book, Silas has to leave Nobody for awhile. So, in his place he has a lady named Miss Lupesco come and be Nobody's guardian while he is gone. Miss Lupesco made me think of one of the ladies off of Nanny 911. She comes in and starts making Nobody eat all these nasty things that he doesn't like. She also makes him do lessons. Miss Lupesco might seem mean to Nobody, but deep down she only has the best interest for him. Today kids do not realize that their parents are only pushing them hard in school because they want what is best for them. This concept is even hard for me to grasp sometimes. Do you ever find yourself upset when your parents ground you or make you do something you don't want to do,but really when its all over most likely they did it for a reason? I have been there many times and i think that is how Nobody is feeling when Miss Lupesco first comes in, but by the end of the chapter he ends up appreciating what she has done for him.


  1. Parenting is a major theme of this novel and of FRANKENSTEIN, which we'll see tomorrow. I can't help but feel that Bod will suffer from not going outside the graveyard. It reminds me of parents who worry so much about their kids getting hurt that they don't let them try new things. Whatever is hunting Bod outside the cemetery must be pretty fierce. Great blog!

  2. I love how everyone's comparing Ms. Lupescu to a nanny from nanny 911! I never thought of that until I read everyone's blogs. I love your blog! :)

  3. Yeah sometimes I feel like some parents are way overprotective or too much inside your life, but it's only for the best. Miss Lupesco is just doing what she feels is best for Bod, and it does turn out to be what is best for him.

  4. YeaH I get this feeling alot for my parents. Bod realizes at the end of the chapter how Lupescu really felt about him. She was just pushing him really hard, and Bod couldnt handle it at the time.

  5. Wow i totally agree with what Nathan said. I feel like my parents are always in my business. Sometimes i just want them to leave me alone! Grounding me never goes over well either. But in the end they always do those things just to help me.
    Mrs. Lupsecu is a great help to Bod once he gets himself in trouble in this chapter. She pushes him sooo hard to leran all of those help cries and in the end it pays off and he ends up liking her quite a lot in the end of their time together. Overall she taught him a lot and helped him learn many lessons on how important it is to learn all you can. Great question!

  6. I really agree with all of you! I think that Mrs. Lupsecu is hard on Bod because she loves him. What Mrs. Lupsecu drills into Bod eventually saves his life.
