October 21, 2009

Silas Guardian or Hero ?

In the Graveyard book Nobody has a guardian that goes and gets food for him and watches over him. Silas is a vampire so he can go out in the town unlike the rest of Nobody's family. In the sixth chapter Bod gets mad at Silas because he wont let him go back to school. Bod runs away from the graveyard and ends up caught by the police. Bod is young and doesn't know exactly what to do. Silas comes and jumps out in front of the police car and causes them to hit him and Silas and Bod are both able to get away. In my opinion Silas seems more like a hero to Bod in this chapter rather than just a guardian. Silas truly cares about Bod and only wants what is best for him. I think Silas is portrayed more as a father than Mr. Owens is. Do you think Silas is more of a father figure or a guardian?


  1. While Mr. Owens is always there for him, Silas has more of an important role in Bod's life. I think Mr. Owens is more of a reassurance to Bod.

  2. Silas stepping out in front of the car is such a great moment in this novel. He's not the kind of guy to really show his affection through hugs, but what he does that night says it all. You're right. He's the closest thing Bod has to a father.

  3. Silas is definitely more of a father figure. I don't even see Mr. Owens as even being a family member of Bod's...more like a boss at work.

  4. I think Silas is more of a father figure than guardian. He helps Bod along the way just like a dad would. Great blog!
